
Kick Out Negative Thoughts!

Everyone wants to boost their self esteem because it’s a necessary aspect of every human being. People can achieve the quick results from any work by their self esteem power. It is also known as confidence level. While a man encourages that time confidence level boost, so they can get right outcomes according to their desire. Self esteem is an internal power of every human being, so that they need to rise up in right time. So, they can achieve perfect result in right time. Here, you can find out some tips which are very necessary to boost self esteem in yourself such as:

  • Self esteem is its self a question of who you are. While you are achieving the answer of the question who you are? After that, you can find how the confidence level increases, and then you can know your self esteem power to accomplish the impossible work.
  • You need to stock your potential. Assessment what you are doing in positive way, after that you can track the self esteem chart. In this way, you can boost your self esteem power in positive way.
  • It’s so difficult to trace the self esteem power so that you need to draw the help from the experts who are offering some tips about self esteem.

While your self esteem is low and poor, then your sense of the sensitivity is very high. It means, you can get paranoid and you may regularly hear the negative voices in mind, and making you feel vulnerable and lonely.

On other hand, while you have the high self esteem, then your sense of the sensitivity may be very low. In case, you can act like you are perfect person in world. You are described athe s insensitive, tactless & conceited. Having balance self-esteem is most important thing and life should be 50 50 in different forms. Example, in case, you have the friends & they are giving you the prohibited drugs, then it is very hard say no probably as you may no longer generate the good choices for yourself. There is not any 100% of good self esteem however, you may always balance that. The self-esteem is like seesaw and it does not mean in case, you have the healthy self esteem, and you are invincible from frustrations of the life.

Reevaluating Negative Feelings

Self Esteem Scared Child PicSelf Esteem– If you were to encounter a small child who appeared scared, confused, or abandoned, you would likely do everything in your power to nurture and comfort her. Yet how do you treat yourself when you feel insecure, scared, lonely, abandoned or otherwise needy? Too often we simply deny these feelings; or else we become critical or rejecting toward ourselves for having them. One of the most profound transformations you can make along the road to greater self-esteem is to re-perceive feelings of insecurity and inadequacy as pleas for attention from your inner child rather than as signs of weakness to be gotten rid of. You will heal yourself faster by acknowledging and nurturing the needy child behind your negative feeling states instead of trying to push away your inner child’s needs.

The next time you feel frightened, insecure, inadequate, vulnerable, or angry, frustrated, and fed up, try asking yourself “What is the need behind this feeling?” What is it that my inner child needs right now?” Then take the time to give your child within the attention, caring, or nurturing she or he needs, and you’ll be surprised how much better you feel.

Learning to re-preceive negative feelings as pleas for attention from your inner child will transform your life and contribute greatly toward your self esteem. This is what “becoming a good parent to yourself” is all about.

Examples of Disguised Pleas for Help From Your Inner Child

You’ve just come home from a hard day or work. You see yourself in the bathroom mirror and you can’t stand the way you look. Your makeup looks too heavy and it’s smeared besides. You look and feel like an old floozy. You begin to think “What’s the use?” You could choose to sink into a depression, but instead ask your inner child what she wants at that moment. Intead of fixing your make up you decide to fill the bathtub with warm bubbly water. You soak in warm water and stay in the tub as long as you would like. When you look in the mirror, you look pink and warm. You feel more forgiving of the way you look- after all, you’ve had a hard day!