Entries by admin

Nervous Illness

People have suffering from the commonest, simplest form of nervous illness (simple form of Anxiety State) complain of some, or all, of the following symptoms; fatigue, churning stomach, indigestion, racing heart, banging heart, palpitations, “missed” heartbeats, a sharp pain under the heart, a sore feeling around the heart, sweating hands, “pins and needles” in the […]

Whats a Nervous Breakown

It will be appreciated that there are different grades of “nervous” suffering. Countless people have “bad nerves” and many of them, although distressed, continue at their work and cannot be said to suffer from nervous breakdown. Indeed while they readily admit to having “bad nerves” they would indignantly refute any suggestion of breakdown. And yet […]

Kids and Self Esteem 4

Finally, we must provide positive reinforcement for our children. Everyone likes a pat on the back, recognition, strokes, praise or affirmation of his or her ability, goodness and worthiness. Our children have not yet formed images of themselves and need these positive inputs even more than adults. Children are not sure if they are able […]

Self Esteem suffers in seniors

Has your self esteem taken a hit? If you’re young, the value you see in yourself, or self esteem, will probably rise steadily through middle age. But as soon as you hit the big six-zero in your near future, the value you place upon yourself will likely decline in the years ahead, perhaps dramatically. That’s […]

Why Self Esteem Matters

A number of years ago I worked for one of the UK’s top IT companies — a global player. We were meeting to discuss a major bid, and the room was filled with people who didn’t meet often — the most senior managers from a number of divisions. There were very few middle tier managers […]

8 Universal Laws of Self Esteem

The Self esteem Law of Stuart Smalley Genuinely strong self-esteem has nothing to do with the Stuart Smalley character on “Saturday Night Live.” Smalley was played by talk-show host A1 Franken who looked in the mirror to tell himself “You’re good enough,you’re smart enough, and doggone it, people like you.” This is not the kind […]

50 Ways to Untwist Your Thinking Part 9

35. Paradoxical Cost -Benefit Analysis– List only the advantages of a negative thought, belief, feeling, addiction, or relationship problem. The list will make you aware of all the powerful forces that keep you stuck. Ask yourself, “Given all the advantages of this thought (or attitude or behavior), why should I change?” 36. Devil’s Advocate Technique– […]

50 Ways to Untwist Your Thinking Part 8

Self Esteem: 32. Little Steps for Big Feats: If you have trouble with procrastination, you can break large, overwhelming tasks down into small steps that you can tackle one at a time. If you tell yourself you have to clean the entire garage today, you’ll never get started. Instead, break it down into small steps. […]

50 Ways to Untwist Your Thinking Part 7

Self Esteem: Anti-Procrastination Techniques 30. Daily Activity Schedule: When you’re depressed, everything seems overwhelming, and nothing seems worth doing, so you may give up on life. The Daily Activity Schedule can help you overcome do-nothingism. Record what you do each hour from the time you get up in the morning to the time you go to bed […]