

Forgiveness is a very important virtue that helps in increasing ones self esteem. When one forgives others, they become relieved of that “thing” that was creating a boundary between them. This way, one is able to gain respect from the other as forgiveness goes a very long way. Without forgiveness, one has very odd and bad feelings that always lead to anger. These feelings are a path to low self esteem, thus, without forgiveness one develops low self esteem. Since forgiveness relieves one from all these disapproving feelings, it brings about a reunion and people become social and happy with each other, which increases self esteem. Forgiveness also improves people’s relationships and makes strong friendships, through which one generates high self esteem.

Group coaching: One more choice for social person who would like to build the self esteem together with the expert and other participants, is the group coaching. The group coaching that is led by the self esteem coach will have same power as the personal coaching and giving social support from many people instead one (coach).

Personal coaching: The personal coaching is your choice in case, you are actually serious & wish to develop your self-esteem. The self-esteem coach can help you find the strengths & point out what you actually want to work on. The self-esteem coach will ask you questions you require to find answers as well as motivation you need.

Self awareness exercises: Developing the self awareness you can raise the self esteem. Meditation is good in case, you wish to develop your self-awareness. You may try yoga and some other type of the martial arts. Practicing these you can probably raise the self esteem without noticing.

Music: Like with the films, music is good & bad for self-esteem. Providing you listen to the songs with the positive lyrics and cheerful songs and relaxing songs, and they can help you build your self esteem. Songs with the positive lyrics are particularly good as they brainwash you with the positive messages of yourself.


Don’t Get Confused!

Self esteem means a lot for every human being. In most of the cases self esteem has been termed as the self descriptive phrase. However, in the past this topic has managed to receive controversies, as few people have tried to extract different meaning of the real concept. We all know that self esteem is an important part of our life and getting it right can lead the way for success in life. All you need to look for the ways that will teach you how to develop self esteem so that it can make you more confident in life. Developing self esteem is all about sharpening the inner you! If you can do that they achieving more success in life will become easier for you. There are several derivatives for self esteem has been established and following all of them simultaneously can really make you confused. These derivatives are:

  • Self confidence
  • Self worth
  • Self-assurance
  • Self-love
  • Self-acceptance
  • Self-assertiveness
  • Self-responsibility

Self esteem: There were so many popular persons who have managed to define the concept for self esteem with a better mean. Nathaniel Branden has mentioned that Self esteem is all about having trust on one’s mind and knowing that one is right for you.  Just establishing open door policy & letting workers to know that they will talk to you can help them in a lot of ways. This is one good method to show workers you value about what they want to say & what they think. You, as owner or the person in senior management, have got no idea how important is it for the people to feel that you are available.

Also, knowing that somebody relatively important is keen to listen is very important to person’s self esteem. Perception others have and how they all accept us and not, directly impact self esteem. Being rejected by somebody is feeling that everybody has felt at a few point in life. Accepting some others unconditionally is very important for you as head of the business. We know there are a few faults that may not need to get accepted. But, you may demonstrate positive impression just by showing you know the people have faults, and that includes you, yet it is fine and it is something is worked with. Everybody loves to feel appreciated for work, and especially in work place.

A Sense of Accomplishment

Self Esteem Obstacles Pic

Self Esteem– Accomplishment of personal goals always adds to your self-esteem. If you look back over your life to the times when you felt most confident, you’ll find that they often followed the accomplishment of important goals. Although external achievements can never be the sole basis of a sense of self-worth, they certainly contribute to how you feel about yourself.

If you are dealing with phobias or panic attacks, a most significant accomplishment is the ability to enter into and handle situations that you previously avoided. An even more unassailable sense of achievement is reached when, in addition to confronting phobic situations, you become confident that you can handle any panic reaction that might arise. Those of you who have fully recovered from agoraphobia, social phobias, or panic disorder through conscientiously facing the very things you feared most know hwo much self-confidence and inner strength there is to be gained. Facing your phobias (including the phobia of panic itself) through a process of gradual exposure will, in and of itself, add considerably to your self-esteem.

Beyond the important goal of overcoming phobias and panic, however, are all the other goals you might have in your life. Your sense of self-esteem depends on the feeling that you’re making progress toward all of your goals. If you feel “stuck”  and unable to move toward something important that you want, you may begin to doubt yourself and feel somewhat diminished.

In the Self Esteem Exercises section, you will find an exercise that will help you find your biggest accomplishments in life  and what you would still like to achieve.

Developing Intimacy and Support Part III

self esteem lonely picSelf Esteem-Just as important as intimacy is the need for each of us to maintain appropriate boundaries within both intimate and other relationships.

Boundaries simply mean that you know where you end and the other person begins. You don’t define your identity in terms of the other person. And above all, you don’t derive your sense of self-worth and self-authority by attempting to take care of, rescue, change, or control the other person. In the past few years, the terms “women who love too much” and “co-dependency” have been used to define those people who, because they lack a solid, internal basis of self-worth, attempt to validate themselves through taking care of, rescuing, or simply pleasing another person. A good indication of loss of boundaries is spending more time talking or thinking about another’s needs or problems than your own and this can be detrimental on your self esteem.

In her best selling book, Women Who Love Too Much, Robin Norwood advocates the following steps in overcoming co-dependency in a close relationship:

Going for help – giving up the idea you can handle it alone

Making recovery from co-dependency your highest priority

Finding a support group of peers who understand the problem

Developing a personal spiritual life where you can let go of self-will and rely on a “Higher Power”

Learning  to stop managing, controlling, or “running the life” of another or others you love

Learning to let go of playing the game of “rescuer” and/or “victim” with the other person

Facing and exploring your own personal problems and pain in depth

Sharing what you have learned with others

Developing Support and Intimacy Part I
Developing Support and Intimacy Part II

Developing Support and Intimacy Part I

self esteem friends picSelf-esteem is something we build within ourselves, much of our feelings of self-worth is determined by our significant personal relationships. Others cannot give you a feeling of adequacy and confidence, but their acceptance, respect, and validation of you can reaffirm and strengthen your own positive attitude and feelings about yourself. Self-love becomes narcissistic in isolation from others. Let’s consider four pathways to self-esteem that involve relationships with others.


Close friends and support




Close Friends and Support
Having close friends and support is very important when trying to improve your self-esteem. When surveys of human values have been done, many people rank close friends near the top, along with career, a happy family life, and health. Each of us needs a support system of at least two or three close friends in addition to our immediate family. A close friend is someone you can deeply trust and confide in. It is someone who comfortably accepts you as you are in all your moods, behaviors, and roles. And it is someone who will stand by you no matter what is happening in your life. A close friend allows you the opportunity to share your feelings and perceptions about your life outside your immediate family. Such a person can help bring out aspects of your personality that might not be expressed with your spouse, children, or parents. At least two or three close friends of this sort, whom you can confide in on a regular basis, are an essential part of an adequate support system. Such friends can help provide continuity in your life through times of great transition such as moving away from home, divorce, death of a family member, and so on.

Cultivating assertiveness is critical to self-esteem. If you’re unable to clearly get across to others what you want or do not want, you will end up feeling frustrated, helpless and powerless. If you do nothing else, the practice of assertive behavior in and of itself can increase your feeling of self-respect. Honoring your own needs with other people in an assertive manner also increases their respect for you, and quickly overcomes any tendency on their part to take advantage of you.

Developing Support and Intimacy Part II
Developing Support and Intimacy Part III