
It Prevents a Person from Doing a Big Mistake!

If you are doing a big mistake, or you have performed certain illegal behavior that can possibly hurt others, then never blame your self esteem for this. Often people use to do the same when they are behaving in a wrong way. There is absolutely nothing to do with the self esteem in such cases. It cannot contribute or propel you to behave badly that use to hurt others. Instead of that you should look at the circumstances that have forced or propelled you to do so. In this way, you can eliminate this issue further and can make your life beautiful.

However, what in case, kid has the poor self esteem? In place of feeling safe over the other children, low self esteem kid feels awkward, nervous & like he does not fit in.  Other children sense this & think he is very ‘shy’ and ‘different’.  He does not bond with other kids & is alone that makes him MORE insecure & lowers the self-esteem still.  Eventually as other kids progress, date, form cliques, socialize outside school… low self esteem child, which was not able to connect in beginning is to shut out of this.  He is actually left behind developmentally & not corrected in right time will go onto scar child in adulthood. The self esteem is all that you have – and what are you worth? How you calculate this? Self worth is the combination of self esteem, confidence & self respect.

The self esteem is the internal sense of the worth. It actually reflects the inner confidence & self respect. The self esteem outwardly shines & is been demonstrated by actions that one takes. Internal self worth that consists of the self esteem, confidence and respect, may get external net worth. While comparing the individuals with weak self esteem to people with the strong one, and what are obvious differences? Does this play very important role? Obviously, it does. The self esteem is essence of the personality, as well as is been reflected in self worth & net worth.

Cultivating a relationship with your inner child

Self esteem: The concept of the inner child – the child like part of yourself – it has been around for many decades. The psychologist Carl Jung referred to it as the “divine child,” while the religious thinker Emmet Fox called it the “wonder child.” But what is it? How would you recognize your own child within? Some characteristics of the inner child include:

  • The part of you which feels like a little girl or boy
  • That part of your which feels and expresses your deepest emotional needs for security, trust, nurturing, affection, touching and so on.
  • That part of you which is alive, energetic, creative and playful (much as real children are when left free to play and be themselves).
  • Finally, that part of you that shill carries the pain and emotional trauma of your childhood. Strong feelings of insecurity, loneliness, fear, anger, shame or guild.
  • Even if triggered by present circumstances – belonging to the inner child. Actually there are very few new feelings. Especially when they are strong , most of our feelings reflect ways we reacted or failed to react a long time ago as a child.
  • Self Esteem

    How do you fell about the little child within you? If you are willing to allow the little girl or boy inside some freedom of expression, you’ll find it easier to be more playful, fun loving, spontaneous and creative. You’ll find a natural to give and receive affection, to be vulnerable, and to trust. You’ll be in touch with your feelings and free to grow. On the other hand, to the extent that you suppress and deny your inner child, you will likely find it difficult to be playful or have fun. You may tend to be conventional and conforming and act out painful patterns repeatedly. You may feel constricted and inhibited., unable to let go and expand. It will be hard to be vulnerable or trusting, hard to give and receive affection. Finally , you will likely be out of touch with your feelings, inclined to be overly logical or overly in need of keeping everything under tight control.