How to cure nervous illness complicated by problems
Although nervous illness caused by problems, sorrow, guilt, or disgrace usually brings a very harassed sufferer with complicated symptoms to the doctor, the same fundamental plan of treatment just described for the more straight forward type of nervous illness cures them, namely;
- Facing
- Accepting
- Floating
- Letting time pass
Each of the main causes of illness – problems, sorrow, guilt, and disgrace and their side effects, such as loss of confidence, feelings of unreality, obsession, depression, low Self Esteem, etc.
Before studying treatment, the four following conditions for cure should be read and resolution made to obey them. Self Esteem
1. Carry out instructions wholeheartedly. A halfhearted try is useless.
2. Never be completely discouraged by apparent failure. However severely you may seem to fail on occasions, failure is only as severe as you will let it be. The decision to accept and carry on despite failure turns the worst failure into success. There is no point of no return in nervous illness. A day of deep despair can be followed by a day of hope, and just when you think you are at your worst you can turn the corner to recovery. Your emotions are so variable in nervous illness, try not to be too impressed by your unhappy moods, and never be completely discouraged.
3. There must be no self pity. And this means no self-pity. There must be no dramatization of self in this terrible state – no thinking of how little the family understands, how little they realize how ghastly this suffering is. Self pity wastes strength and time and frightens away those who would otherwise help you. If you are honest with yourself you will admit that some of your self pity is pride; pride that you have withstood so much for so long. Self Esteem
4. There must be no regretting and sighing “if only…” what has happened, if it cannot be remedied, is now past, finished. The present and the future must be your main concern. Life lies ahead. So remember no more if onlys. Self Esteem
Carry out instructions wholeheartedly.
Never be completely discouraged by failure.
Have no self pity.
Let there be few regrets an fewer “if onlys”.
ecept the sucession s given abuseove I want to some medicines for cure ornervous illness
please let me knowthe names of medicines
subhash sethi