
An Internal Power!

Self esteem is a much required element for the personality development! It is an internal power that boosts the person confidence level, so the person can achieve quick success and also avoid obstacle that stand between the person and his or her destination.

  • Also the psychologists are suggesting that without self esteem no one get their success in life. Self esteem is the power that the persons get it by his or her willpower. In this regard no one can guide the person because the results of self esteem totally depending upon him or her.
  • Self esteem is a belief or emotion of the human psychology that require for the personality development. In most of the cases many people are never fulfilling their aim of life only due to their low self esteem.
  • The power of self esteem is standing behind every successful person. Today, in the faster world no one can stable in their personal or professional life without self esteem. If you are facing such type of problem in your life, then you can only person to encourage it. With the help of this power people can always think positive as well as never loosing their confidence level in any kind of situation in life.

Feel free answer them and in case, you want to detailed explanation about result, you may consult the registered psychologist close to you. Low self esteem is condition, which plagues a lot of people all across the world, as well as occurs when person has poor opinion of himself. Whereas it is difficult to pinpoint exact number how many people that struggle with low self image, and there are many signs, which are linked with the problem. It is also proven having the good physique results for healthy self esteem.

It is as well possible that somebody is struggling with the low self esteem & is not at all aware of that. By making ourselves to be aware of a few of common low self esteem symptoms, we can identify person suffering with the low self-esteem that can allow us find some ways to help person. The low self esteem signs that range from one shown externally, as well as those, which are battled internally. As one person with the low self esteem is loud & arrogant, one more person with the low self-esteem is very quiet & reserved.

Allow It to Develop!

There are so many ways which you can adopt in order to develop the self esteem level. There are so many people living a dull lifestyle due to the decrease in self esteem level. If you are also looking for the best mean to develop this most important element of life, then its time to opt for the internet from where you can collect more details about the exercises and programs that are exactly helping people in the development of self esteem level. These are the proven programs and exercises which can be followed by anyone who want to increase the self esteem level. There are so many experts who have shared their thoughts about development of self esteem online. These experts have helped so many people in achieving objectives of life and now you can become one of them who bear an enhanced self esteem level. Well, self esteem has been considered as the platform that can really assist you in a great way while trying to make life better and better in all the departments. In this regard you can seek for more help from the online world where such programs and exercising methods have been announced for offering people better results.

In today’s conscious society, you have to do all this you may to raise your self esteem and people you love. At times, you are also made to feel totally inadequate as you don’t wear latest fashions and drive the luxury car. Truth is that you are the worthy human being without these things. In case, you are suffering from the low self esteem, then here are some things that you may do in order to overcome that.

Self Esteem – Stop Comparing to Other People: And it is totally unfortunate but lots of people start comparing themselves to some other people while they are very young. The parents, and other loved ones, can tell them they are not very good as somebody else & that they must strive being like them in effort to get it to improve in the behavior and talent.

Problem is there can be the people who are much better than you in a task, and have access to resources, and are in good job position. When comparing yourself to some others is self defeating as well as unnecessary act and appreciate your strengths & good qualities. Self Esteem.

How to cure nervous illness complicated by problems

Although nervous illness caused by problems, sorrow, guilt, or disgrace usually brings a very harassed sufferer with complicated symptoms to the doctor, the same fundamental plan of treatment just described for the more straight forward type of nervous illness cures them, namely;

  • Facing
  • Accepting
  • Floating
  • Letting time pass

Each of the main causes of illness – problems, sorrow, guilt, and disgrace and their side effects, such as loss of confidence, feelings of unreality, obsession, depression, low Self Esteem, etc.

Before studying treatment, the four following conditions for cure should be read and resolution made to obey them. Self Esteem

1. Carry out instructions wholeheartedly. A halfhearted try is useless.

2. Never be completely discouraged by apparent failure. However severely you may seem to fail on occasions, failure is only as severe as you will let it be. The decision to accept and carry on despite failure turns the worst failure into success. There is no point of no return in nervous illness. A day of deep despair can be followed by a day of hope, and just when you think you are at your worst you can turn the corner to recovery. Your emotions are so variable in nervous illness, try not to be too impressed by your unhappy moods, and never be completely discouraged.

3. There must be no self pity. And this means no self-pity. There must be no dramatization of self in this terrible state – no thinking of how little the family understands, how little they realize how ghastly this suffering is. Self pity wastes strength and time and frightens away those who would otherwise help you. If you are honest with yourself you will admit that some of your self pity is pride; pride that you have withstood so much for so long. Self Esteem

4. There must be no regretting and sighing “if only…” what has happened, if it cannot be remedied, is now past, finished. The present and the future must be your main concern. Life lies ahead. So remember no more if onlys. Self Esteem

Carry out instructions wholeheartedly.
Never be completely discouraged by failure.
Have no self pity.
Let there be few regrets an fewer “if onlys”.

What is Self Esteem?

Some people think that self esteem means confidence – and of course confidence comes into it – but it’s rather more than that.

The fact is that there are any number of apparently confident people who can do marvelous things but who have poor self esteem. Many people in the public eye fall into this category. Actors and comedians and singers in particular can seem to glow with assurance ‘on stage’, and yet off-stage many of them feel desperately insecure.

Indeed, individuals can be stunningly attractive and world-famous, and seem poised and perfect – yet still, deep down, find it hard to value themselves. Think of the late Princess of Wales and Marilyn Monroe and you’ll accept, I think, that public adulation is no guarantee of self-belief.

So, if self esteem isn’t quite the same thing as confidence, what is it?

Well, the word ‘esteem’ comes from a Latin word which means ‘to estimate’. So, self esteem is how you estimate yourself.

To do that you need to ask yourself certain questions:
• Do I like myself?
• Do I think I’m a good human being?
• Am I someone deserving of love?
• Do I deserve happiness?
• Do I really feel – both in my mind and deep in my guts – that I’m an OK person?

People with low self esteem find it hard to answer ‘yes’ to these questions. Perhaps you are one of them. If you’re reading this post, we think you are. Don’t despair. Just read on!

The concept of self esteem can be summed up as: Confidence in our ability to think and in our ability to cope with the basic challenges of life and confidence in our right to be successful and happy, the feelings of being worthy, deserving, entitled to assert our needs and wants, achieve our values and enjoy the fruits of our efforts.

We also commonly think that self esteem is merely about how we feel about ourselves at any particular moment. While seemingly existing in degrees, we tend to believe that we have positive or negative self esteem and that we make that determination simply by how we feel about ourselves.

However, our feelings or emotions do not exist alone or have an independent existence. We do not just simply feel. Rather, for every feeling or emotion that we have, either positive or negative, there is a corresponding thought that we have about ourselves that generates the experience of self esteem.

Whether positive or negative, self esteem is merely how our psyche experiences the thoughts that we have about ourselves. If a person has positive thoughts about himself he will experience positive or good self esteem. On the other hand, if the individual has negative thoughts about whom he thinks he is then he will experience poor or negative self esteem.

Kids and Self Esteem 2

You don’t always have to agree with your kids when you listen to them, nor let them do whatever they want. You can have a different view on a situation and still understand their perspective. And you may still have to discipline them even if you better understand why they misbehaved.

You should structure situations so your children experience more success than failure. Don’t expect standards of performance which they cannot achieve. You want them to grow up with far more praise than criticism, more accomplishments than failures this helps build self esteem.

Let your children know they are lovable and capable. Again, this is a self-evident principle and helps build self esteem. You should give your children daily expressions of affection – hugs, kisses, words of love, praise and appreciation. Think of them as cups of love which you want to fill with as much caring as you can.

Provide security for them. Children need to feel secure this is very important in building and maintaining self esteem. Few feel secure when there are conflicts occurring around them. Few can relax inwardly when others around them are shouting, accusing, criticizing and hating each other. To a small child, tension between parents, or between parents and the child or other children, constitute a deep chasm of insecurity. Plus, they may end up blaming themselves for the conflicts around them.

Avoid arguing around them as much as possible. If they do see conflict, make sure they also see resolution of the conflict. Not everything in life is peaches and cream and problems do arise. People will argue – it’s a fact of life. The important part here is that the child sees a peaceful resolution in the end. This will teach them problem solving skills and help them realize that even though there is conflict in the world, there is also a way to resolve it in ways that everyone benefits from. Self Esteem.


Kids and Self Esteem 3

Our children need to know that we accept and love them regardless of what they may do, but also that certain forms of behavior are not acceptable to us. We should, however, investigate for ourselves why this behavior is not acceptable.

Is it because it will be potentially harmful to the child, to someone else, or to us? Or is it simply because we are programmed that it should not be done? Or does the behavior conflict with our expectations based on our personal needs and dreams for the child? Or are we afraid of what the others will think about our child and subsequently about us? This has a lot to do with your child’s self esteem and self image.

We must be very clear about why we are rejecting a certain behavior. Our rejection can come out of a place of real love and concern for the child, if, in fact, we are not simply protecting our own interests. As long as a certain behavior does no real harm to anyone, it is best to allow the child to pursue it. Self Esteem.

Something within them, some need is guiding them to explore that kind of activity. They have something to learn through doing that. This does not mean that there are not moments where control or even natural or logical consequences may be necessary. But we need to be sure that the reasons are valid and have to do with real issues of safety or morality and not because we are disappointed with their grades or selection of hobbies, interests or friends. Self Esteem.

In order to love our children unconditionally, we will need to start loving ourselves unconditionally. We will have to let go of all the prerequisites we have put on our own self-love and Self Esteem. We will need to love ourselves even though we are not perfect, even though we make mistakes, even when others do not love and accept us. The more we free our self-love from the various prerequisites, the more our love for our children and others will become unconditional.


Nervous Illness

People have suffering from the commonest, simplest form of nervous illness (simple form of Anxiety State) complain of some, or all, of the following symptoms; fatigue, churning stomach, indigestion, racing heart, banging heart, palpitations, “missed” heartbeats, a sharp pain under the heart, a sore feeling around the heart, sweating hands, “pins and needles” in the hands and feet (especially the hands), a choking feeling in the throat, an inability to take in a deep breath, a tight feeling across the chest, “ants” crawling under the skin, a tight band of pain around the head, giddiness, strange tricks of vision such as the apparent movement of inanimate objects, weak “spells”, sleeplessness, depression. Nausea, occasional vomiting, diarrhea, and the frequent desire to pass urine may be added to the list. Self Esteem.

Sufferers from these symptoms are quite certain that there is something seriously wrong with them and cannot believe that anyone else could have had such a distressing experience. Many feel convinced that they have a brain tumor (at least something “deep seated”) or that they are on the verge of insanity. Their one wish is to be, as quickly as possible, the person they used to be before this “horrible thing” happened to them. They are rarely aware that their symptoms are nervous (emotional) in origin and follow a well-recognized pattern shared by numerous sufferers like themselves, the pattern of continuous fear and tension. Self Esteem.

Whats a Nervous Breakown

It will be appreciated that there are different grades of “nervous” suffering. Countless people have “bad nerves” and many of them, although distressed, continue at their work and cannot be said to suffer from nervous breakdown. Indeed while they readily admit to having “bad nerves” they would indignantly refute any suggestion of breakdown. And yet a nervous breakdown is no more than an intensification of their symptoms. Almost every symptom complained of by people with “bad nerves” will be found here, and such people will recognize themselves again and again in the patients with breakdown described. The symptoms are the same, it is but their severity that varies. The person with breakdown feels these symptoms much more intensely. Self esteem.

Where do “bad nerves” end and where does nervous breakdown begin? By nervous breakdown we mean a state in which a person’s nervous symptoms are so intense that he/she copes inadequately with his daily work or does not cope at all.

The term “nervous breakdown” has an ominous sound to the average person and is veiled in mystery and confusion. Doctors are asked if people really “break” and if so, how? We are also asked how a nervous breakdown begins and how it is caused.

The Breaking Point
Many people are tricked into breakdown. A continuous state of fear, whatever the cause, gradually stimulates the adrenalin-releasing nerves to produce a set pattern of disturbing sensations. These are well known to doctors but so little known to people generally that, when first experienced, they may bewilder and dupe their victims into becoming afraid of them. If asked to pinpoint the beginning of a nervous breakdown, I would say that it is at this moment when the sufferer becomes afraid of the alarming, strange sensations produced by continuous fear and tension and so places himself, or herself in the circle of fear-adrenalin-fear. This is the breaking point. In response to growing fear, more and more adrenalin is released and sensations, which inspire still more fear. The circle goes around and around until the sufferer becomes lost and confused. Self Esteem.

Two Types of Breakdown
Most nervously ill people who have to me for help have had either one of two different types of breakdown. The first is relatively straightforward, and its victim is mainly concerned with physical symptoms, disturbing sensations the way he/she feels. This person has minor problems only, such as an inability because of illness, to cope with his or her responsibilities. We call this kind of illness oan anxiety state, and it is the simplest form of anxiety state we know.

The second type of breakdown is begun by some overwhelming problems, sorrow, guilt, or disgrace. Continuous tension and prolonged, anxious brooding arising from these causes may not only eventually produce the physical symptoms of stress found in the first type of breakdown but may also bring certain distressing experiences, such as indecision, suggestibility, loss of confidence, feelings of unreality, feelings of personality disintegration, obsession, depression. The sufferer may finally become just as concerned with these sensations, these experiences, as with the original cause of his or her illness; indeed, he may become more concerned with them. This too, is an anxiety state but more complicated than the first one described above.

The term breakdown is unscientific and unnecessarily alarming, and the term “Anxiety state” is too “medical” for the purposes of restoring self esteem or self well being.

Kids and Self Esteem 4

Finally, we must provide positive reinforcement for our children. Everyone likes a pat on the back, recognition, strokes, praise or affirmation of his or her ability, goodness and worthiness. Our children have not yet formed images of themselves and need these positive inputs even more than adults. Children are not sure if they are able or not. They are small in such a large world. They are learning and thus making many mistakes as they try to learn how to do things correctly.

In our attempt to help our children we often tend to point out their mistakes more frequently than their successes. The mistakes are what are more obvious and thus we feel the need to point them out. The successes are taken for granted. We over-emphasize what our children do wrong. This undermines their sense of ability, and they start to doubt whether they can really succeed.

Thus they become preoccupied, worrying about whether they will be able to do it, and whether they will be criticized damaging their self esteem. Thus little energy is left for focusing on what they are actually doing so that they can do it correctly and succeed. Then, if our children’s performance suffers, we become even more critical. This creates a vicious circle in which our children’s sense of ability, success and worthiness is completely undermined.

So, the easy thing to say is just “Don’t do this”. If you find yourself overly criticizing a child or yelling berating comments at them, take a moment, count to 10 and think of a healthier way to address the situation. They will be better for it – and so will you! Self Esteem Baby. What about that huge area that is especially difficult to deal with? It’s bound to happen, but don’t let it swallow you! Criticism can be given and accepted graciously without affecting your self esteem.


Self Esteem suffers in seniors

Has your self esteem taken a hit? If you’re young, the value you see in yourself, or self esteem, will probably rise steadily through middle age. But as soon as you hit the big six-zero in your near future, the value you place upon yourself will likely decline in the years ahead, perhaps dramatically.

That’s the broad conclusion of a new study showing how self esteem changes over the human lifespan. The study, based on interviews with a total of 3,617 Americans over a 16-year period from 1986 to 2002, concludes that of all the factors that affect how we view ourselves, our health and our financial prosperity have the most lasting impact.

“We tested the effects of gender, ethnicity, education, income, employment status, relationship satisfaction, marital status, social support, health experiences and stressful life events,” said psychologist Richard W. Robins of the University of California, Davis, co-author of the study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. “Many of these variables were related to self esteem, but in our study, only health and income helped to explain the decline in self esteem that occurs in old age,” Robins said.