

Stress is a vice that is usually associated with low self esteem. When one is stressed, they develop negative thinking. Negative thinking is commonly associated with low self esteem. This leads a person to the belief that they cannot make it to be successful and cannot come up with anything good. Stress makes a person dumb hindering communication with other people. This results to low self esteem as well. These conditions make one unable to take their opinions into consideration as they term themselves failures in the society. Stress also leads a person to seeing other people as more important than they are and with more capabilities. The tension developed by stress also plays a major role in lowering one’s self esteem.

Teachers didn’t know how they can to teach the self-esteem to the young kids. They did not understand why they were been supposed to teach. Fortunately, the classes were not much. The teachers must get trained in how you can help the students to get higher self-esteem. Also, there must be the self esteem trainers in big companies so the employees will continue for developing the self esteem. This will be the huge investment to schools & companies due to benefits that the higher self-esteem among students & employees will bring. Leaving the people to figure how you can raise the self-esteem themselves is very risky. Whole world will benefit in case, more and more people learnt how you can develop the high self esteem.

The self esteem is the sense of worth, not just in the inner confidence & self respect, however outwardly in actions one actually takes towards contributing to Bottom Line. The employee recognition is been ranked number one motivating factor while it comes about employee motivation in workplace. In case, you would like to maintain the motivated employees, encourage people to do much better, then recognizing them can help to build the self esteem, whereas maintaining the loyal & motivated employee. You might find it very hard to believe, however recognition is most strong employee motivator of as it builds self esteem.


Work on the Required Areas of Life!

Self esteem. If you are trying to find out more about self esteem, then you will be surprised with the fact that the first word SELF has been considered as the physical manifestation that seems to be temporary by nature. It’s the physical body that comprises of five senses along with the emotional aspects and thoughts that every human use to bear throughout the lifetime. Both the self and SELF are the important parts and exactly creating humans. But when it’s all about analogy, self esteem can be termed as the reputation that self has to establish with the SELF. If healthy self esteem has been established as the foundation for a person, then the work done for personal and professional field will not be a loss. Self esteem.

Self esteem: This will also help you in gaining spiritual development. If your self esteem is really week, then you may lose the motivation while trying to improvise every aspects of life. It’s the self esteem that has also been considered as the most powerful aspect for every human being through which several sorts of achievements can be achieved elegantly. This can make your life really effective in all the areas. No matter what you do, if your self esteem level has been enhanced then you can easily achieve all the objectives of life. Also, take charge of own life as well as help to restore right brain chemistry with natural remedies that will make the real difference. Self esteem. With right choices, you may get back feeling very confident regarding yourself, naturally! And what generally tends to happen over self-esteem is most of the people assess themselves by externals & tote up self-esteem how well that they have done when compared to a few impossible measurement in heads. And how I do on appraisal? Do colleagues like me or am I getting praised? Now, there is nothing wrong to look to the externals for affirmation and verification. Self esteem.

Self esteem – One more method you may improve the emotional health & boost self esteem is just by reducing stress in life, as stress will have negative effect on each and every aspect of health. Relaxation methods such as yoga & meditation are helpful, as will behavior control techniques that allow you regain control of own emotional reactions. There is not any reason why you must need to live with the negative thoughts & lack of self esteem.

What is Self Esteem?

Some people think that self esteem means confidence – and of course confidence comes into it – but it’s rather more than that.

The fact is that there are any number of apparently confident people who can do marvelous things but who have poor self esteem. Many people in the public eye fall into this category. Actors and comedians and singers in particular can seem to glow with assurance ‘on stage’, and yet off-stage many of them feel desperately insecure.

Indeed, individuals can be stunningly attractive and world-famous, and seem poised and perfect – yet still, deep down, find it hard to value themselves. Think of the late Princess of Wales and Marilyn Monroe and you’ll accept, I think, that public adulation is no guarantee of self-belief.

So, if self esteem isn’t quite the same thing as confidence, what is it?

Well, the word ‘esteem’ comes from a Latin word which means ‘to estimate’. So, self esteem is how you estimate yourself.

To do that you need to ask yourself certain questions:
• Do I like myself?
• Do I think I’m a good human being?
• Am I someone deserving of love?
• Do I deserve happiness?
• Do I really feel – both in my mind and deep in my guts – that I’m an OK person?

People with low self esteem find it hard to answer ‘yes’ to these questions. Perhaps you are one of them. If you’re reading this post, we think you are. Don’t despair. Just read on!

The concept of self esteem can be summed up as: Confidence in our ability to think and in our ability to cope with the basic challenges of life and confidence in our right to be successful and happy, the feelings of being worthy, deserving, entitled to assert our needs and wants, achieve our values and enjoy the fruits of our efforts.

We also commonly think that self esteem is merely about how we feel about ourselves at any particular moment. While seemingly existing in degrees, we tend to believe that we have positive or negative self esteem and that we make that determination simply by how we feel about ourselves.

However, our feelings or emotions do not exist alone or have an independent existence. We do not just simply feel. Rather, for every feeling or emotion that we have, either positive or negative, there is a corresponding thought that we have about ourselves that generates the experience of self esteem.

Whether positive or negative, self esteem is merely how our psyche experiences the thoughts that we have about ourselves. If a person has positive thoughts about himself he will experience positive or good self esteem. On the other hand, if the individual has negative thoughts about whom he thinks he is then he will experience poor or negative self esteem.

Kids and Self Esteem 2

You don’t always have to agree with your kids when you listen to them, nor let them do whatever they want. You can have a different view on a situation and still understand their perspective. And you may still have to discipline them even if you better understand why they misbehaved.

You should structure situations so your children experience more success than failure. Don’t expect standards of performance which they cannot achieve. You want them to grow up with far more praise than criticism, more accomplishments than failures this helps build self esteem.

Let your children know they are lovable and capable. Again, this is a self-evident principle and helps build self esteem. You should give your children daily expressions of affection – hugs, kisses, words of love, praise and appreciation. Think of them as cups of love which you want to fill with as much caring as you can.

Provide security for them. Children need to feel secure this is very important in building and maintaining self esteem. Few feel secure when there are conflicts occurring around them. Few can relax inwardly when others around them are shouting, accusing, criticizing and hating each other. To a small child, tension between parents, or between parents and the child or other children, constitute a deep chasm of insecurity. Plus, they may end up blaming themselves for the conflicts around them.

Avoid arguing around them as much as possible. If they do see conflict, make sure they also see resolution of the conflict. Not everything in life is peaches and cream and problems do arise. People will argue – it’s a fact of life. The important part here is that the child sees a peaceful resolution in the end. This will teach them problem solving skills and help them realize that even though there is conflict in the world, there is also a way to resolve it in ways that everyone benefits from. Self Esteem.


Why Self Esteem Matters

A number of years ago I worked for one of the UK’s top IT companies — a global player. We were meeting to discuss a major bid, and the room was filled with people who didn’t meet often — the most senior managers from a number of divisions. There were very few middle tier managers in the room, almost exclusively senior managers who were accustomed to being ‘top dog’. The atmosphere in that room was almost tangible. I wanted to bottle the air and analyze it later — I had never experienced such naked power, and it dawned on me in that moment that we are almost blind to the status signals we transmit.

That meeting was an epiphany, and led to me becoming a hypnotherapist with a particular interest in researching confidence and self esteem. Because what I discovered in that company, and in many companies I have assisted subsequently, was the startling fact that an individual’s self-esteem is a reliable indicator of how far they will progress in the organization. Some technical geniuses can buck the trend, but they are very rare. For most of us, our ability to influence decision-making is precisely limited by our self esteem.

Why does this matter? It matters because the person with the greatest self esteem is not necessarily the right person to be making the key decisions. We have all suffered foolish bosses. Perhaps we have all wondered how on earth they reached such positions of seniority, given their obvious shortcomings. If you will excuse the bluntness: that incompetent boss is there because you haven’t yet been sufficiently convincing. Your performance is perhaps the least important aspect on which you will be judged; what matters is your status in the group.

Status is a fascinating topic. We communicate our status constantly, primarily through body language and voice tone. This communication is unconscious; it is felt rather than known or consciously controlled. The way in which you behave reflects your self perception of status. This is either accepted or challenged by the people around you. A dominant person (relative to you) will cause you to back off from a challenge. A submissive person (again, relative to your own status) will make it easy for you to project your will.

And so we come to the nub. We should all seek to develop our self esteem, not because of the personal benefits which will flow from this personal growth — career enhancement, improved love life etc — but because we have a duty to ourselves and our communities. Until and unless we step up to the plate, our communities will remain vulnerable to an almost random process of leader selection. So ask yourself: ‘Am I allowing less talented people to make decisions on my behalf?’ If the answer is ‘yes’, then perhaps you should consider stepping up to the plate yourself. The first step in this process is building up your own self confidence and self esteem. Don’t be bashful; there’s nothing selfish about developing your own qualities. A community with a rich selection of potential leaders is, in my view, a secure community.

Developing Intimacy and Support Part III

self esteem lonely picSelf Esteem-Just as important as intimacy is the need for each of us to maintain appropriate boundaries within both intimate and other relationships.

Boundaries simply mean that you know where you end and the other person begins. You don’t define your identity in terms of the other person. And above all, you don’t derive your sense of self-worth and self-authority by attempting to take care of, rescue, change, or control the other person. In the past few years, the terms “women who love too much” and “co-dependency” have been used to define those people who, because they lack a solid, internal basis of self-worth, attempt to validate themselves through taking care of, rescuing, or simply pleasing another person. A good indication of loss of boundaries is spending more time talking or thinking about another’s needs or problems than your own and this can be detrimental on your self esteem.

In her best selling book, Women Who Love Too Much, Robin Norwood advocates the following steps in overcoming co-dependency in a close relationship:

Going for help – giving up the idea you can handle it alone

Making recovery from co-dependency your highest priority

Finding a support group of peers who understand the problem

Developing a personal spiritual life where you can let go of self-will and rely on a “Higher Power”

Learning  to stop managing, controlling, or “running the life” of another or others you love

Learning to let go of playing the game of “rescuer” and/or “victim” with the other person

Facing and exploring your own personal problems and pain in depth

Sharing what you have learned with others

Developing Support and Intimacy Part I
Developing Support and Intimacy Part II