Not all our friends are good, some of them are likely to mislead us when we follow what they are doing or what they are advising us on thus they may ruin our life. So it’s upon you to analyze the kind of friends you have. When you have a healthy self esteem it means that you are able to make decisions on your own. As such, try and pick friends based on their positive attributes. Your friends may have suggestions on what you should do but you as an individual need to make the final decision. Peer pressure can either drive one to low self esteem or high self esteem. Seek to have people who build you as opposed to those who may take pleasure in putting you down or always saying something negative.

In case, you are suffering from the low self confidence (and are told you do), and treat people with the low confidence (and think you do), then read on. Also, there are some self esteem myths, which will block the progress while trying to lift the self esteem. The low self worth is scientifically studied & actual findings of the research helped inform facts you can come over here.  Mark Tyrrell, the co-author of Self Confidence Trainer, has completed the UK tours in 2002, 2003 & 2005 teaching many health experts the facts about the self esteem as well as how you may treat your low self esteem in patients.

He has co-authored the book on the self worth for the Axis Publishing named Giant Within – Maximise Self Worth. Like you may imagine, Mark has done lots of research for seminar on ‘How to Lift Your Low Self Esteem’. He also has listed his most important ‘Tips’ here. By stopping the people being bullies just by trying to lift the self esteem might be like trying in getting the obese person to lose little weight by th1e way of feeding more cake.


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