
Beat Seasonal Blues with 4 Power Based Self-Esteem Tools

Beat Seasonal Blues with 4 Power Based Self-Esteem Tools

Beat seasonal blues with 4 power based tips which also enhance your self-esteem. Instead of waking up and feeling blue learn how to fight back.

Beating seasonal depression is easy if you know what tools to use. We have four tools and tips you can use to win the battle against seasonal depression.

Four Tips Which Help You Beat Seasonal Depression

There are four tips we are going to share with you that puts power back into your body and mind. Use these tools when you start to feel seasonal depression coming at you. They give you a concrete way to fight back and move forward.

1) Activity and movement provide physical and psychological benefits. They also allow you to feel and see light around you when you are moving around. This is essential to a good heart circadian rhythm. It brings lightness to the body and spirit. This is vital in fighting back against darkness and depression.

2) Eat healthy foods and avoid junk foods. It's a fact that a healthy diet boost your mood. Healthy diets give you energy and balance your cravings for junk food or unhealthy carbohydrates.

When Therapy and Counseling Are a Good Tool to Use

3) It's okay to talk it out. When seasonal depression keeps you feeling blue and you have lost your zeal for life, seeking therapy is a wonderful gift to give yourself. There are three different types of psychological therapies which can help beat back blues. They are

The therapist will then work on helping you find a way to change your negative thought patterns.

The thought patterns which occur in the season which prompts your depression. The therapist will give you ways to change your thoughts and behaviors into positive patterns.

  • Guided Self Help – Guided self help is learning how to help yourself with self-talk, meditation, and self-learning.

Find your inner core and spirit and align them with your practical and healthy exercises. These verbal, physical and mental exercises help you become more balanced in your mood.

  • Counseling for Depression – Counseling for depression is something many people need from time to time. 16 million adults in the United States have had at least one depression episode.

Many of those involve seasonal depressive episodes. Seeking therapy to talk about your depression helps you find where the depression is coming from. That way you can work on ways to prevent it or fight back against it.

Photographer: Kelly Sikkema | Source: Unsplash

More Tips and Tools To Beat Back Seasonal Depression

4) Don't fight seasonal depression by yourself. Enlist your family and friends to help beat back those blues. There is nothing worse than isolating yourself when you already feel depressed or blue.

Isolation allows us to dwell on the depression or the blue feelings. It is important to enlist family and friends to help keep active, do activities with people you care about.

This helps you escape from the one-person cage of solitude. Anything that brings you pleasure helps lighten your inner spirit.

5) Get a new hobby or re-energize an old hobby. Hobbies help give you purpose. It is important to use interest and motivation in finding old, new, and exciting purposes. There is sometimes nothing more exciting than finding a new purposeful hobby you can throw yourself into 100 percent.

Misconceptions about Seasonal Depression

Many people think that seasonal depression only happens in the wintertime. That is when many people are cooped up and stuck inside their homes. However, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a depression which is defined as a recurring major depression which happens with a seasonal pattern.

This depression can be brought on during any season for any reason. Many people will have their seasonal depression end when the season is over. Yet the depression comes back the next season around the same time.

The symptoms of seasonal depression are somewhat unique to SAD. They include, but are not limited to;

  • Tiredness and a general feeling they cannot get enough sleep
  • Irritable or cry easily
  • Become more and more isolated, rarely venturing away from their home
  • Weight gain or binge eating
Photographer: Hermes Rivera | Source: Unsplash

What Else Can Be Done to Help Seasonal Blues?

There are many other things which can be done to help fight back against seasonal depression or the blues.

There are studies which suggest going to bed early may help. Many of us are wired for our energy levels to rise and decrease during certain times of the day. Fighting the blues with your body clock is a great idea.

That is a holistic and healthy way for your body to roll with the season and go to bed when you are tired. Instead of forcing yourself to stay up and grow more depressed.

Treat yourself to a sauna or hot tub. There are studies which suggest the bodies temperature also may play into seasonal depression. Warming your body by a fire or in a sauna can help your body feel flush with heat while having a calming effect.

Aromatherapy can also help lift a mood or fight back against depressive darkness. There is a lot to be said for lighting a scented candle, sitting back, and enjoying the scent and ambiance around you.

The Seasonal Depression Battle Can Be Won

The seasonal depression battle can be won but you have to use tools to help you in the battle. If you take the time to develop these tools and tips you will reap the benefits. You may no longer experience anxiety or stress every time your depressive season rolls around.

Instead by using some of the tips and tools listed here you may find you have become stronger and are now able to win the seasonal depression battle. Enjoy the season which is breaking around you by controlling your activities and feelings. What fun you will have!


Happiness and good relationships are vital aspects in life. You can’t be assured of any happiness in you if you don’t relate well with other people as we often need their support in everything we do. As we all know, no man is an island and we need other people to survive. When you value yourself and those around you, this translates to high self esteem and encourages those you relate with to feel good about themselves as well. Having good relationships with your friends and family is vital and this can be through communication, doing things together, encouraging one another and looking out for each other.

With all the negative outcomes in the lives, they are ones, which have to raise the self esteem most. Unluckily, they are not motivated for seeking the self esteem coach, read the self esteem books and attend the self-esteem courses. Not till things get actually bad they can begin to look for some help. Instead waiting till things get totally worse, it is good to begin to look for different methods to raise the self-esteem instantly. Even though you think your self esteem is about average it is good to improve it rather than waiting for this to sink lower. The self esteem is relationship you have to yourself, sense of the personal worth. The self esteem may thus appear like the private issue. With the low self esteem the lives are been affected negatively in different directions. Less friends, short lasting as well as less satisfying relationships, depression, worse physical health, anxiety, stress and so on.

But, self esteem affects not just your life, but also it affects lives of everybody around you. Level of the self esteem affects how you actually treat others who you interact with and avoid interaction with. Also, you probably have been victim of somebody with the low self esteem yourself. Perhaps the colleague who try to impose their way on others, teacher who do their best to make life miserable, and maybe the grumpy neighbor.



The psychological health of a person starts with the essential core of the person accepting themselves, being loved and respected by others. Self esteem will help the person face life with more confidence and optimism making them achieve their goals in life. Self esteem allows people to be more ambitious in respect to emotional, creative and spiritual experiences hence widening the capacity of being happy.

Self esteem convinces people that they deserve to be happy. It increases the capacity of an individual in treating others with respect and goodwill hence favoring good interpersonal relationships.

At the work place, self esteem allows creativity and creates conditions good enough for teaching and learning. Seeing the list of accomplishments will help us to appreciate ourselves. Remember some days it is fine just to suck air. In case, you are fighting the tough emotional battle, then staying alive & sucking air is the huge accomplishment.

Find somebody to help and someway to be of the service. Current neurological research indicates when you give to somebody else, the chemical in brain named dopamine changes. With Self Esteem your brain cannot tell in case, you are giving and receiving, however you feel better. So, find easy ways to help people. Write & post the helpful ezine article, give somebody the flower, baby sit friend’s child, go on talk to shut in, walk your dogs for humane society in area, and volunteer for one day community project. While I was suffering from the mild depression and low self esteem, I found strength getting out of the bed as I was taking care of the stray cat. When I had the bad day, then I held on this fact it stray cat was better, as I was alive & helping it.

Do something that you love to do. People who are suffering from the low self esteem often punish themselves. The inner voice might say, “I cannot go to beach I need to get more and more work done.” Ignore voice & go do something that you actually love. In case, doing something that you love causes the backfire of some negative thoughts, and do something that you love for the short time. Maybe you can spend fifteen minutes reading the art magazine, working on the jigsaw puzzle and working on the garden. Definitely you have the bills to pay, family requirements to tend to & there is work that has to be done. However, you are just spending 15minutes away from the responsibilities.